Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Online Presence

Online Presence


Looking at my online presence I would say I have a large print on social media. I am heavily on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, but not so much Facebook. I feel as though I use Instagram a lot because I love pictures and seeing what other have going on in their lives since Instagram is clearly the platform many people broadcast their lives through social media, but I am more so n Twitter. I am more on twitter because I like to blog more than I like sharing photos. On a daily basis, I have a lot to think about and I end up just putting my thoughts out even if I think no one would care to read. Snapchat to me is really a way to communicate to my friends and loved ones in a more effective way ad faster. When I Snapchat my friends, they answer me more quickly rather than when I shoot them a text which is ridiculous, but that shows the world we live in now days. For some time now I have been trying to distance myself from all social media platforms due to the updates I have been seeing all in the news about social media pages taking your information from the data. I think this is incredible intrusive and should not be a thing, regardless of how it is being used. I can remember how I have voluntarily given out information to sites and ads posted on Instagram to purchase something, and that same ad would advertise again on my feed. I certainly regret that decision, also I feel as though social media tends to make people feel more alone rather than loved and accompanied. People get a false sense of reality while on social media, causing their perception to change and also changing their attitudes.  

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