Wednesday, February 26, 2020

About Me

I grew up in uptown Washington, D.C., I've been living in the city for majority of my life. I study Strategic Communications at High Point and have a minor in marketing. My main focus is to use every field in my major and minor to focus on strategic planning and sales in the business world.  After graduating from HPU I plan to go to graduate school to earn my masters and Real-estate license. For graduate school, I plan on attending either the University of Rice in Houston or Georgia State University. Wherever I decide to go I will stay and pursue my Real-estate license there. I have managed to complete several courses over my years here to be able to graduate early if I so choose to. Some days I like to take the time to photograph scenery, it brings me the most joy. If I'm not doing this I'm also sketching in my free time. Not only do I love to sketch but I also love to cook sometimes as well! Well, it really depends on the dish. My favorite dish to make of course is anything that is served with pasta, because any type of pasta is my favorite. I have younger and older siblings who I love dearly but sometimes they can be a bit crazy hahahaha. I love being an outstanding influence for my siblings, basically showing them the way. I almost forgot to mention, I have a pet shih Tzu and his name is gizmo! He’s literally the love of my life, and I mean literally.   

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