Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Coming across these two blog websites I’m getting the sense that I’ve never heard or seen these pages before is because of its content. On website it starts off discussing the story of Abraham’s father, statuette idols and gods. It mentions how for many Americans, these idols whose heads have fallen off are the members of the Republican and Democratic establishments. Seeing that Trump and Sanders are the leaders of their parties, this indicates that they’ve concluded that the traditional political gods are phony, so get rid of the entire system. Seeing that this is what it has come to, the political class thinks that both political figures are filled with empty vessels. They feel as though they lack in mortality, but is just playing the game for themselves. People feel as though our system is entering uncharted waters, or in other words on the brink of destruction. Reading over both of these blogs raises serious questions. I feel that I haven’t heard or seen these pages mainly because of the content it contains, and also the ideas that are permitted. Also, these are just opinions really and ideas, but many people could be thinking the same thing. I get the idea behind what’s being stated here, because often times I think of the same thing. Our system is in trouble, and Trump possess zero mortality in my opinion. Seeing what has been happening in the news for the past years, he shows he doesn’t possess this trait or has very little mortality.

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